Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Facebook Page Up for Roanoke Regional Writers Conference

Janeson Keeley and I (mostly Janeson) finally got around to putting up a Facebook page for the Roanoke Regional Writers Conference. I have no idea why, for four years, it had not occurred to me to do that, but Brooke McGlothlin, who will teach this year, suggested it the other day and I slapped my head and called Janeson.

Over the next month or so, we'll post interesting stuff about the conference, highlighting who's teaching, what's being taught and inviting those who want to come to tell us what they'd like in the future. This year, as in the past, we have a couple of especially interesting sets of classes: science fiction and two New York literary agents telling you how to sit down in the same room with people like them so you can make your elevator speech for your book, hand them a piece of the manuscript and go away to await a verdict. It's humiliating, annoying and absolutely essential to the process. These lovely people will give you some tips to make it less painful.

Janeson and I will join Rachael Garrity (we all write for FRONT) to talk about marketing your own book. Rachael has just joined us in this venture because, frankly, she probably knows a good bit more about it than either of us. She certainly knows e-publishing inside-out. We think this will be a popular and it's one of 24 to be held Saturday, Jan. 28 at the two-day conference.

You can find out all kinds of stuff here and here.

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