Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

Closing Limbaugh's Mouth: Here Are His Advertisers; Boycott Them Until They Pull Their Ads

Sandra Fluke: Limbaugh says she's a "slut." He's an idiot.
Limbaugh's mouth doesn't seem to be able to close.
If you're interested in joining the Rush Limbaugh advertiser boycott, here's a list of advertisers of his unfortunate radio show.

Limbaugh is in trouble--this time--for his remarks about a courageous young woman (Sandra Fluke) who was speaking out for health care coverage for women, calling her a "slut" among other things. This is pretty typical of Limbaugh's rhetoric, but it seems to be the one that is resonating with a wide range of Americans fed up with his bullshit.

The only way you can make Limbaugh pay--short of violence and I won't call for that--is to hit his pocket. Remember this throwback makes $25 million a year because we buy products advertised on his radio show. You and I are supporting him. We can just as easily stop by not buying products from companies like the ones listed on this link. Some of them have already pulled their ads; let's get them all to do that.

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